The best ways to get the best papaya leaf extract at home | Herbal Goodness

Papaya leaf extract has many incredible health benefits. In addition to being rich in vitamins A, C, E, K, and B, as well as minerals like calcium, magnesium, sodium magnesium, and iron, papaya leaf is also rich in enzymes, including papain and chymopapain, that aid digestion and breakdown of nutrients.

A common benefit of papaya leaf juice is that it has been recommended by many experts as a support for healthy blood platelet levels. The extract has been found to naturally boost platelet count in individuals with low blood platelet levels.

.Additionally, papaya leaf is also an effective liver support. Rich in vitamin C and A content, papaya leaf juice suppresses the activity of free radicals and boosts skin health.

Papaya leaves contain phenolic compounds, papain, and alkaloids that boost the body’s immunity. They are a rich source of various vitamins and antioxidants that support health and wellness.

Lastly, papaya leaf therapy is also found to be much more cost-effective than conventional health alternatives.

Given the numerous benefits of papaya leaf extract mentioned above, one needs to know how to reap the benefits of the nutritious goodness contained in the leaves.

For the right preparation method, should you boil, blend, or squeeze the leaves?

Let's look at each of them below:


When you boil the leaf of a plant, what happens is that the heat brings out juices from it into the water. However, the resulting extract or juice from boiling would not be concentrated because of the quantity of water required to boil. More importantly, boiling papaya leaves is not an effective way to extract juice from them, unlike some other leaves. 


To get the juice or extract from a papaya leaf, you can also squeeze the leaves. The leaves are first washed thoroughly with salt or vinegar to disinfect the leaves. Then the leaves are put into a bowl and squeezed with the two hands in front and back motions for a while. The extract or juice will become visible after some time. It is then sieved and ready to drink.

While this method does a good and effective job at extracting the juice from the pawpaw leaves, it has some disadvantages. One, your hands might not be as clean as you think they are, so you risk washing your hands in the juice as you squeeze.

Two, to get the maximum juice possible from leaves using the squeezing method, involves squeezing for quite a while, which can be tedious.


The blending method is the best and most effective way to get your papaya leaf extract. All you have to do is wash the leaves thoroughly with salt or vinegar, slice a bit and blend with little water. Afterwards, you sieve, and it's ready to drink.

It is also important to note that papaya leaf extract is quite bitter, and can be made a bit easier to drink by adding honey, juice from an orange, or ginger.

In conclusion, boiling papaya leaves is not the most effective method to get the extract. Squeezing can be tedious and not hygienic. It is therefore advised to use a blender or juicer to get maximum juice and benefits from the highly nutritious papaya leaves.


To save yourself all the trouble, it is best to get your papaya leaf extract from a reputable company like herbal goodness. Extraction is done by using an extractant like Glycerin water over several weeks to product the highest quality, most potent papaya leaf extract. 



  1. Ansley Hill (2020). Emerging Benefits and Uses of Papaya Leaf. 
  2. Aanachal Mathur (2021). How To Make Papaya Leaf Juice To Increase Blood Platelets, Improve Digestion And Manage Diabetes.
  3. Times of India (2021). Can papaya leaves increase your platelet count?
  4. Sushmita Senqupta (2018). Incredible Benefits of Papaya Leaf Juice.