Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Guava Leaves | Herbal Goodness
I love to eat Guava, especially when it’s well-ripened and fresh, I’d often pluck it and walk away from the tree, I never knew that I was walking away from one of the most vital parts of the tree - its leaves.
If you have tried different ways to lose weight or ways to increase your hair volume and length but haven't seen any results, you need to keep reading because Guava leaves might just what you need.

What makes Guava leaves really special?
Guava leaves contain antioxidants, vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. It also has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that help to fight free radicals that may cause damage to your skin, hair and overall health.
Benefits of Guava Leaves
There are numerous benefits of this special leaf, here are some that may be of importance to you right now.
As humans, staying healthy is a goal every one of us wants to achieve and maintain. While we try to reduce the number of carbs we take, Guava leaves provide a solution to concerns about excess carbohydrate in the body. It stops complex carbs from turning into sugars, which promotes healthy weight . This is why Guava Leaves is known as a metabolic booster, it simply blocks complex carbohydrates from getting into your body.
Guava Leaves contain antiseptics that helps to get rid of skin problems. It also has antioxidants that fight free radicals that may damage the skin.
Regular intake of Guava Leaves will have your skin glowing and free of skin issues.
Guava leaves are a rich source of Vitamin B2 or riboflavin. The vitamins B and C nourish hair follicles and help in hair growth.

Taking Guava Leaves regularly may help your circulatory system.
Related: How Metabolic Boosters Work - Guava Leaves
According to research, Guava Leaves contain antioxidants that help your body to fight free radicals that may cause your body harm. It's also been discovered that because of the high levels of potassium and soluble fiber it contains, it improves the heart's health.
So it is safe to say that if you have any concerns for your heart, you may want to sip some Guava Leaves Tea or add the Extract to your recipes.
Guava leaves contain fiber which aids the digestion process. If you ever feel bloated or constipated, taking Guava Leaves cleanses the digestive system of toxins and waste.
Related: Amazing Guava Leaf Benefits We Have Overlooked
How To Use Guava Leaves for Healthy Weight
Taking Guava Leaves for healthy weight produces great results because it has antioxidants. A serving of Guava Leaves contains about 5 grams of fiber which helps to regulate your body and keep your intestines healthy.
Here's how to incorporate Guava Leaf Tea into your diet:
In this article, we explored what Guava leaves are and how they are beneficial to us.
Here, we go a little further to show you how to make tea and recipe using the magical Guava Leaves.

- One teabag Herbal Goodness Guava Leaf Tea
- One cup of water
- Stevia or any other non-sugar sweetener of your choice
- Heat a cup or more of water and pour into a cup
- Place the Guava Leaf teabag in the water and allow to sit for one minute
- Stir and add stevia or any other non-sugar sweetener of your choice
- Serve
- Half of a pineapple fruit
- One tablespoon of Herbal Goodness Guava Leaf Extract
- One Pear
- 3 or 4 ice cubes
***You will need a knife and chopping board
- Dice/ chop pineapple and pear
- Pour the cut fruit and ice cubes into a blender and blend until smooth
- Add half a tablespoon of the Guava Leaf Bulk Herbs
- Blend to incorporate the extract into the mixture
- Pour the smoothie to a cup or bowl and serve with toppings of your choice.
- Serve and enjoy
Where To Get Guava Leaves?
We recommend Herbal Goodness Guava Leaves Tea and Extract because it is organic and non-genetically modified which means you get all the benefits of Guava Leaves without fear of harmful chemicals or processes that may have gone into the production process.