A Guide to Papaya Extracts Benefits for Your Skin | Herbal Goodness
There are several Papaya and Papaya Extracts benefits for your skin which should serve as a good impetus to indulge in this tropical fruit or any of the plant’s various extracts.
The myriad benefits of papaya extracts are an open secret known to all and sundry.
We ourselves have harped on about the benefits that come with consuming the extracts derived from this tropical wonder, whether that be in powder form or its liquid variants – green papaya, papaya seeds, papaya leaf; heck, even the root if you want to go fully primal.
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Today, though, we want to focus on one key area: the skin, or rather, papaya extract benefits for your skin.
Papaya Extracts Benefits for your Skin
The benefits of papaya extracts as relates to the skin is not an old wives tale.
While Christopher Columbus might have meant something different when he christened this sweet, luscious orangey fruit the Fruit of Angels, embracing papaya and papaya extract in your life has the potential to turn you into an…angel.
Here’s how.
- Helps Reduce Signs of Aging
There have been claims that papaya extracts can help reduce the physical effects of aging such as the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and crow’s feet around the eyes.
This can be attributed to the extract’s high vitamin C and E content, two vitamins that are known to aid in skin rejuvenation, thanks to their antioxidant properties that help keep free radicals at bay.
Papaya Extracts also contains alpha-hydroxy acids which play a part in curbing these physical signs of aging.
It is especially full of enzymes, most notably papain, which can help rid the skin’s upper surface of dead cells while modulating the elastic fibers and collagen in the dermis.
For best effect, opt for the Papaya Liquid Extract.
- A Good Skin Moisturizer
The water, fat and carbohydrate content in the Papaya Extract makes it an effective remedy for moisturizing thirsty skin.
The most effective use of the plant extract with regard to skin moisturizing is to incorporate it into your daily skincare routine.
Add 2 -3 drops of the extract, and mix with a bit of honey then apply the mask on your face.
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- Eliminates Pimples and Acne
Studies conducted around the enzyme papain present in papaya and papaya extracts (more than any other food, FYI) boasts great skin-cleansing properties which help in unclogging skin pores.
But the amazing skin-cleansing property of papaya extract does more than just unclog the pores: it also helps reduce your skin’s susceptibility to acne and uneven pigmentation.
Simply apply the extracts on your face religiously, for optimum results.
Consuming the extract also flushes out toxins from the body, so that’s half the acne battle won!
- Exfoliating Dead Skin
The enzyme papain can work your skin a treat. By accelerating the shedding of dead skin cells, the enzyme can help restore an even tone to your skin.
You need to look no further than many scrubs on the market that make use of papaya as one of the ingredients to notice its popularity in this department.
You can save yourself a few bucks by making your own homemade scrub using a few drops of Papaya Leaf Extract.
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- Brightens the Skin
Beauticians have long been aware of papaya’s natural cleansing properties that help rid the skin of impurities.
The presence of papain and vitamins A and C can help lighten the skin, ridding it of an annoying tan.
Vitamin C also acts as a good sunscreen which helps protect your skin against potential damage from the sun.
What’s more, the phytochemicals and beta-carotene present in papaya extracts help promote fairness, making the skin lighter.
- Reduce Under-Eye Dark Circles
Just like lemon, applying a pulp prepared from papaya leaf extract can help get rid of the dark circles that form under the eyes, especially when stressed or deprived of sleep.
Green papaya is a natural bleaching agent that works well to counter skin discoloration.
- Soothing Cuts and Burns
For centuries, papaya has been used as a topical treatment for wounds, including burns.
Its good wound-healing properties can be attributed to papain which not only accelerates the healing but also prevents the scar from getting bigger.
You can use a seed- or leaf-based concoction as a topical application or simply mush the pulp of the fruit and apply it on cuts, wounds, and even burns.
Explore our papaya leaf products here.