3 Herbs That May Support Healthy Blood Pressure | Herbal Goodness

If you want to know about your heart's inner workings, one place to start is with your blood pressure. In simple terms, blood pressure reveals the amount of pressure in arteries that pump blood from your heart to other parts of your body. Also, during a blood pressure reading, the top number represents the artery pressure as the heart contracts. The bottom number represents artery pressure as the heart relaxes.1 You don't want the pressure to get too high which is why some people take herbs for blood pressure. 

Herbs and Blood Pressure

Women and men seek herbs to support healthy blood pressure, in part, because conventional blood pressure remedies can come with side effects. Other people take herbs for blood pressure because herbs may be more accessible.2 In fact, there are areas where herbs are used to support healthy blood pressure have been used, not only for support healthy blood pressure, but also to strengthen immunity and improve energy levels. 

When working with natural herbs for blood pressure, combine herbs with other activities to get the best results. For example, if you're overweight, exercise and enjoy a healthy diet that causes you to lose weight. Ways to do this could be adding natural, non-GMO Herbal Goodness Papaya Leaf Blood Support, Herbal Goodness Guava Leaf Liquid Extract or Herbal Goodness Graviola Matcha to your daily diet. 

Choosing Herbal Goodness ensures that you're getting all natural herbs. Although all healthy food manufacturers may not do so, Herbal Goodness actually visits farms in Ecuador and Japan, places with non-GMO soil. Herbal Goodness gets to know its farmers, even developing a scholarship for the farmer's children. They ensure that healthy food products that you buy from them is non-GMO organic. 

Miracle Herbs

And, as previously noted, the best herbs to reduce blood pressure may not come with side effects, unlike conventional methods. In addition, to get the most from herbs to reduce blood pressure, stop smoking if you smoke, take in more potassium, reduce sodium intake and get more vitamin D in your diet. Also, relax and lower stress. 

Here are natural herbs to support healthy blood pressure. Although this list of herbs to reduce blood pressure is not filled with all of the best herbal blood pressure medicine, it's a great start. Many of the vitamins, antioxidants and minerals found in these herbs are in Herbal Goodness' herbal extracts, powders and teas. The list includes: 

  • Flax Seed3 - Known for Omega-3 fatty acid, flax seed may support blood sugar, blood pressure and healthy cholesterol
  • Garlic - Among the herbs that help lower blood pressure, garlic may help the body produce more nitric oxide, a substance that may help relax the arteries.
  • Ginger - Similar to garlic, ginger is a herb that may help relax muscles that surround blood vessels.
  • Guava - Vitamin C, potassium and antioxidants in guava support a healthy heart.
  • Graviola - Antioxidants in graviola may help to lower blood sugar and blood pressure.
  • Papaya - The seeds and inner part of papaya have vitamin C and antioxidants such as beta carotene that support healthy blood pressure. Beta carotene has also been associated with healthier cholesterol. 

Herbal Support Tips For Healthy Blood Pressure

But, don't just rely on natural herbs for blood pressure. Pump up your health with these three herbal remedies: 

  • Exercise and reduce salt intake while taking herbs for blood pressure like Herbal Goodness Papaya Leaf Blood Support Formula.
  • Try meditating to reduce stress and relax before or after drinking a warm cup of Herbal Goodness Guava Leaf Tea.
  • Talk with a friend or listen to your favorite music instead of smoking. Treat yourself to Graviola Matcha while you connect with your friend or favorite songs. 
papaya blood support capsules

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Herbal Goodness' herbs for blood pressure are natural because the herbs are grown in non-GMO soil. Even more, all of Herbal Goodness' products are Kosher certified. The natural, healthy products are also manufactured in the United States in a FDA inspected facility. And, every batch of Herbal Goodness ingredients is rigorously tested by a third party lab. Your health is very important at Herbal Goodness. In fact, this woman owned company cares so much about each person and the community that it donates up to 10% of its profits toward the education of girls in Africa. Click here to get safe, natural non-GMO Herbal Goodness herbs. References:

  1. Heart Disease Research Institute. High Blood Pressure. Accessed April 14, 2020.
  2. U. S. Natural Library of Medicine. National Institutes of Health. Role of Natural Herbs In The Treatment of Hypertension. Nahida Tabasuum and Feroz Ahmad. Accessed April 14, 2020.
  3. Healthline. 10 Herbs That May Help Lower High Blood Pressure. Reviewed by Dr. Judith Marcin. Reviewed January 30, 2018. Accessed April 14, 2020.