Papaya Soup Recipe | Herbal Goodness

Fresh Fish With GREEN PAPAYA SOUP (2 servings)


  • 7 oz of fish of your choice – Cod, Halibut, White Tuna, Flounder (make it vegan with chickpea and seaweed)
  • 4-5 slice of fresh ginger
  • 3 slices Astragalus root
  • 3-4 Black Dates or any dates you can find
  • ¼ of green papaya (peeled and seeded), or at least the least ripe you can find
  • 4 Cups of water or vegetable broth
  1. Prepare the double boiler. Bring the water to boil. Add in all ingredients into the inset of the double boiler and cook on low heat for 1½ – 2 hours. Low heat allows all the nutrients to stay intact.

Check out our Papaya Leaf Extracts, Seed Powder & Bulk Herbs.

Suggested Read: Papaya Seed Powder: A New Alternative to Black Pepper

Related: Papaya Soup Recipe | Herbal Goodness (