Recipe Contest Winners | Herbal Goodness

Congratulations to NavaYah for Winning our Recipe Contest ...

Thanks so much to all those who submitted recipes. They were wonderful! It was fun choosing from all the delicious recipes. Next time we'll have to add a twist into the mix!

Winning Recipe: Eye-Pleasing, Great tasting Tropical Fruit Salad With Papaya.  Submitted by: NavaYaH 

Her Recipe:

Eye-Pleasing, Great tasting Tropical Fruit Salad

1/2 cup ripe fresh papaya chunks
1 ripe mango
1 ripe banana
1 Strawberry Pear [also know in the Asian stores as Dragon Head Fruit] chunks
2 ripe peaches chunked [peelings on]
Related: Natural Remedies for Stress

All chunks about 3/4-1 inch square or so. The colors are all so vivid together. Your guests will not want to resist. When you peel off the brilliant red skin of the Strawberry Pear, the surprising white flesh with tiny black seeds [similar looking to a kiwi inside] is a real surprise and brightens up the whole dish. If you cannot find a Strawberry Pear, substitute 2 peeled kiwis chunked.

Serve chilled.

Best made in the season so all the fruits are ripe and sweet. No need for sweetener!
Otherwise, you might add a bit of raw blue agave. 

Here are a couple more that we loved ...

Desert Soup

Serving 2

2 Navel Oranges
1 Papaya pitted and diced small
2 tablespoons Sugar-Free Honey
1/4 cup Fat-Free Milk
4 tablespoons Water
2 tablespoons Flour
4 tablespoons Greek Yogurt, plain (Fage Total 0% is the best)

1.Peel oranges removing most of the white membrane on. Cut oranges up. Put oranges, diced papayas, and water in a blender and puree until smooth.
2. Transfer to the saucepan, heat over medium heat, and bring to boil. Add fat-free milk, greek yogurt, sugar-free honey, and flour. Reduce heat and simmer until thickened stirring constantly.

by: Hidemi Walsh

Indian Chutney

1/2 coconut meat chopped or 1 cup moistened dehydrated coconut
1/2 small mango sliced
1/4 cup fresh papaya chunks
1 chili pepper or 1/4 teaspoon chili powder)
5 whole cashews
1/4 teaspoon Turmeric
Salt to taste

Blend in blender until consistency desired for chunkiness.
1/4 teaspoon Turmeric and salt to taste.

Serve with the homemade flatbread of your Indian-style cuisine or as a dip with Back to Nature Multigrain Flax crackers! Delicious...