How to Improve Digestion with Papaya Leaves | Herbal Goodness

Welcome to the world of papaya benefits, the food that Christopher Columbus called the "fruit of the angels".1 Ripened, papaya is a soft fruit with a sweetness that's drier than sloppy wet. Papaya weighs between one and two pounds and is golden orange once you break through its green or yellow shell. This simple fruit is popular with vegans and vegetarians because of its texture, color or taste. The health benefits of papaya, including papaya leaves, can offer deeper benefits such as aiding digestion.

 How Papaya Leaves Help with Digestion

And, when it comes to digestion, there may be few bodily functions that engage more internal organs than digestion. As soon as you put something inside your mouth and swallow, your digestive system goes to work. This is a major reason to choose healthy eating habits.

Hence, digestion starts with the mouth. Then, the process moves to the saliva glands, esophagus, stomach and downward. Want to feel good during and after a meal? Choose smartly when it comes to picking food and beverages.

papaya leaf tea herbal goodness

So, how can papaya leaves help make digestion a smooth process? Papaya has Papain, an enzyme that supports food breakdown. Specifically, the enzyme, Papain, helps to break down proteins found in meat.2  Papain also helps breakdown carbs, fats, and wheat. If you're trying to lose weight, you may be happy to learn that papaya products like papaya seed powder, papaya leaf extract liquid drops and papaya leaf blood support formula support metabolism. This Carica plant may also reduce inflammation.

 Healthy Eating Choices: So Much Papaya Goodness

The fiber in papaya can help you to feel fuller, potentially keeping you from overeating. This simple step aids digestion by eliminating stress from the digestive process. Consider consuming papaya leaves for 40 or more days, enough time to allow your body to absorb more and more of the enzyme and fiber found in the fruit, whether you consume it in food or liquid form.

 In addition to digestion support, papaya improves immunity. Vitamin A in the fruit supports the vision. Vitamin C in papaya can reduce the times when you experience joint stiffness. Furthermore, Vitamin C and Vitamin E in papaya are good on the skin, helping you to maintain a youthful appearance.

 Although you could eat ripe papaya fruit raw, you can also cook the fruit. In fact, it's advised that unripe papaya be cooked before eaten and enjoyed. Also, pay attention to where you get papaya leaves. For example, for confidence that you and your family are ingesting real organic, non-GMO papaya leaves, you may want to choose companies that harvest papaya on their own farms.

 Pay Attention To Where You Get Papaya

Here are more ways to gain increased confidence that papaya leaves that you've chosen are natural. For starters, check that the company has firsthand partnerships with the people who farm or grow the papaya. Other confidence boosters include:

  • Papaya leaves products are manufactured by a company that undergoes a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) inspection each year. This is among the very testing types that Herbal Goodness passes.
  • The company passes an annual USDA organic certification
  • Owners of the company source for premium papaya leaves

 After all, it's quality ingredients, ripe but not overly ripe papaya and USDA certified processes that can make the difference between consuming a fruit that merely tastes good and a fruit, like popular papaya leaves, that can improve digestion, reduce inflammation and neutralize free radicals. Click here to get Organic, Non-GMO, Papaya products from Herbal Goodness.

Bringing Papaya Benefits To Your Family

Get quality papaya and you could reduce elimination problems. Additionally, you could say good-bye to stomach and bowel discomfort. For greater impact, you may want to drink papaya leaf extract juice, papaya leaf tea or snack on dried papaya leaves.

Other ways to add papaya to your diet is to start using papaya seed powder, papaya leaf extract liquid drops and papaya leaf blood support formula. These papaya leaf products use the entire papaya leaf herb, making it possible for you to truly enjoy and benefit from this digestion supporting fruit. Companies like Herbal Goodness use videos to let you see how their papaya leaf products are actually made.

papaya leaf tea

 Here's another thing that you'll love about papaya. The fruit, including papaya seeds and dried papaya leaves, can be used on salad, over fish tacos, with yogurt and as part of a smoothie. You can even eat the seeds right out of the fruit.3 Talk about a treat. Click here to get Organic, Non-GMO, Papaya products from Herbal Goodness, a company that farms its own papaya fruit, a company that donates 10% of its profits to support education for girls in Africa. 

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  1. MSN. Sameer Jha. 11 Health Benefits of Papayas. March 1, 2015. Accessed February 14, 2020.
  2. Healthline. Franziska Spriztler. 8 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Papaya. Published December 4, 2018. Accessed February 14, 2020.
  3. Medical News Today. Megan Ware. What Are The Benefits of Papaya. Published April 14, 2014. Accessed February 14, 2020.

Related: A Look at Our Papaya Leaf Extracts & Why They’re So Good For You