Our Buy 3 Get 1 Free Sale is Back & 5 Ways to Give Back this Thanksgiving! | Herbal Goodness

Our most popular sale of the year is back & a few ideas to inspire you to give back this holiday season.

Somehow 2016 is already coming to a close and the holiday season is upon us again. We hope you’ve all had a great year so far!

To celebrate the season of giving, we put together a list of all the ways you can give back this Thanksgiving and a little insight into our popular annual sale - Buy 3 Get 1 Free.

Visit with the Elderly 

Sadly, most elderly individuals spend Thanksgiving alone. Visit a nursing home this November to spend time with a few older individuals and get to know them better. You may be amazed at the stories they have to tell and how mutually beneficial this type of giving back can be. 


Visit/Donate to a Children’s Hospital

Although it’s not the easiest experience to sign up for because it can be so sad, it is an incredibly important one. Visiting a local Children’s Hospital can make all the difference in a young person’s life if you take the time out of your busy schedule to see them and show them kindness and appreciation. Another option - use the money you would normally use to buy a Christmas tree to donate to your local Children’s Hospital. Even a small amount can make all the difference in the lives of these kids. 


Thanksgiving Baskets 

Find a charity, business, or religious institute that speaks to you and put your crafting skills to use. Making something beautiful for someone else can be a rewarding experience. Fill your baskets with homemade goodies, presents, and all the necessary items for a Thanksgiving feast, such as cranberry sauce or packaged stuffing. Cookies are always a crowd pleaser as well! 


Volunteer at an Animal Shelter

Furry friends need some love during the holiday season too. Spend this whole month taking one afternoon out of your week to go down and cuddly animals that have been abandoned or given away. Sign up to go on weekly walks with a dog or two and give them your undivided attention. If you have the time and space in your house, sign up to temporarily foster dogs who are looking for a forever home. Who knows, maybe it’ll turn out to be a routine that you carry on even after the holiday season, you never know until you try! 


Donate Blood 

Blood donations are always needed year around so why not use this season of giving as an excuse to donate this November? With bad winter weather in most areas, a spike in drinking around the holidays, and a general rushed and anxious mindset, there are a lot of accidents and life-threatening situations that happen during this time of the year. Put your healthy blood to use and give some of it away to those who need it. 



And to give a little back to our customers, we’re bringing back our most popular sale, our Buy 3 Get 1 Free promotion. 

This is what you need to know about this year’s sale

  • We're extending our sale this year! It goes from November 21st (today) through November 30th, 2016. 
  • All liquid and capsule papaya leaf extracts are a part of the deal
  • The promotion is only available on herbalgoodnessco.com. The Deal will automatically go through once you put 3 of the same product in your cart and click "check out". No code needed. 
  • There are no mixing and matching products. It has to be 3 of the same (i.e. 3 16oz papaya leaf liquid extracts, you’ll pay for 3 and get the 4th one free).  


What are your plans this Thanksgiving? Are you planning on giving back in some way? 

Suggested Read: Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes from Top Food Bloggers

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