Recap: Herbal Goodness at Natural Products Expo East 2016 | Herbal Goodness

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The Herbal Goodness team is officially back from Expo East in Baltimore, and well-rested after an exciting showcase at the end of September. We wanted to thank all of you who stopped by our booth during the show, it was wonderful to put some faces to names and make new friends along the way.  

In case you didn't know already, Herbal Goodness now provides Graviola fruit and leaf products that will be the bright, fun, and festive. There will be a focus mainly on smoothie and smoothie bowl products, including smoothie packs and flavorful frozen fruit chunks. We love to bring you the best of these tropical fruits, both for your health and for your taste buds, and we believe these new products will encompass those goals. 

Related Article:  See Herbal Goodness at Expo West 2013

We have so many exciting new changes coming to Herbal Goodness and we were happy to share that with everyone who stopped by our booth. Our passion for both of the tropical fruits - papaya and Graviola - was unique and unmatched at Expo East. We're glad to bring a little taste of the tropics to the Western market and to continue expanding Herbal Goodness and its sister companies in the process. We strive to educate others about the natural benefits of these fruits as much as possible and Expo East was the perfect platform to do that. 

graviola leaf tea herbal goodness

At our booth, we made samples of our teas and smoothies throughout the 3 days of the Expo. Our iced Papaya Leaf Rooibos Chai Tea, and Graviola Fruit Smoothies were the most popular of the week. If you haven't tried a Graviola smoothie yet, you need to get on it! We'll be selling our 100% pure Graviola smoothie packs soon, so be on the lookout for frozen Graviola coming your way. Graviola's tart start and sweet finish with notes of strawberry, banana, and malted milk truly represent the best flavors of the tropics brought right to your kitchen. 


Herbal Goodness at Expo East 2016

Another great aspect of this year's Expo East was getting together as a team and sharing that love and excitement for our products. Baltimore is a dynamic and intriguing city and it was fun to explore it as a team during our time off from the conference center. The Herbal Goodness crew took time to appreciate the beauty of the waterfront, went to an Orioles game, and tried some key foodie spots around the city. We crafted a papaya tree from scratch, blew up inflatable monkeys, and worked long hours to bring our love of papaya and Graviola to you. 

Herbal Papaya at Expo East 2016

 Let us know if you have any questions about our showcase at this year's Expo East 2016, and if you would like to know more about our upcoming product lines. Here's to the rest of a fantastic 2016, thank you for always being the most loyal and friendly customers in the world! 

Warm Regards, 

The Herbal Goodness Team 

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